The resources included in this stage are fairly intellectual, and the focus is on understanding the fallacy in our present conclusions of duality related to the self, universe and Isvara. Advanced Upanisad texts with Shankaar Bhasya, Prakaranagranthas commonly studied after a general understanding of the major 10 Upanisads, and the study of Brahmasutra is included at this stage.  Such in-depth study will become a means of contemplation on self. It will remove potential doubts, and will allow the seekers to correct their thinking process by understanding the fallacy in their current assumptions and thinking pattern in coming to a conclusion. Seekers will be able to appreciate how the conclusion other than non-duality is on account of either a partial understanding of the truth or misunderstanding the truth.

The study of Vedanta should not be just an intellectual exercise, and the teachings must be reflected in the seekers’ life, through the interactions with the world.  As a seeker one must be alert and sensitive towards feelings and needs of others.  One must grow into empathy, becoming aware of the unspoken feelings of others.  Putting oneself in other’s shoes, one must be willing to extend their sympathy by reaching out to those in need.  Seekers should grow into accommodating others in their life by dropping their own demands onto others.  So much so that ultimately such a seeker becomes a blessing to the community at large, and be free from likes and dislikes, and be able to forgive others.



  • માંડૂક્ય ઉપનિષદ અને કારિકા


  • પંચદશી
  • અદ્વૈતમકરંદ
  • જીવન્મુક્તિવિવેક
  • સદ્દર્શન (ટીકા સહ)
  • દક્ષિણામૂર્તીસ્તોત્ર (માનસોલ્લાસ અને ટીકા સહ)
  • વિચારસાગર



Narada Bhakti Sutra,

Brahma Sūtra (Catussūtrī) with Śāṅkara Bhāṣya


  • Īśāvāsya Upaniṣad with Śāṅkara Bhāṣya
  • Māṇḍūkyopaniṣad with Kārikā



  • Svarūpanirūpaṇam
  • Upadeśasāhasri



Ramana Periya Puranam (Inner Journey of 75 devotees) by V. Ganesan


    1. Advaita Makaranda
    2. Aparokṣa Anubhūti
    1. Māṇḍukya Upaniṣad